Marta: Silverware that belonged to my mother. Nahuel: Nintendo. Maria Belen: Stuffed "Bear"- looks like a bunny, but that's what I call it. Maria Pia: Stroller for my doll. 16. What other possessions would you like to acquire? Our own house and a 4-wheel drive vehicle. 17. What do you perceive as the signs of success? To have a steady stream of work, to be recognized for our work. 18. What decorative or heirloom objects do you own? We have nothing displayed. Marta likes Indian crafts, silverware. 19. Do you value new things or old things more? Why? We value new things more, we are interested in technology. 21. Describe the kinds of clothing each family member owns. Jeans, T-shirts, short skirts, boots, sneakers, 1 suit and dress for work. 22. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms: Are they available and what family members use them? Juan Carlos and Marta smoke a lot (2 packs a day). We have one gun which Juan Carlos loads in the evenings and unloads in the morning. He sometimes practices with it. Family Food & Shelter 23. A typical breakfast consists of: Instant coffee, milk, cocoa mix, yogurt. 24. A typical lunch consists of: Meat, vegetables, fruit.